
research & support | education | global awareness

Our Mission


A Letter from our Founder

Vipul Patel, MD, FACS Medical Director.  Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in men, afflicting between 25-30,000 men yearly.  In the US, over 3 million men currently have the diagnosis of prostate cancer.  However, despite this, prostate cancer is still not commonly discussed in society today and the awareness of this male cancer pales in comparison to breast cancer in women.

I created the International Prostate Cancer Foundation (IPCF) in 2008 to fill a void in men’s health advocacy and to raise awareness and support scientific advances in prostate cancer. The spirit of our foundation is formed from the inspiration of our doctors, patients and healthcare advocates. Our mission is to serve, educate, and innovate to help men understand their risks and what they can do.

I have treated more than 19,000 men who have had this formidable disease. We have learned from their experiences and a monumental challenge lies ahead. This disease is global and without discrimination of age or ethnicity. Patients ages 30 to 80 from all over the globe come to see us daily.  While their backgrounds are diverse, their challenge is the same: to cure cancer while preserving their quality of life. They come to us with many soul-searching questions, seeking support, inspiration and compassionate care. And we deliver! However, there are only so many men that we can personally treat… and so our vision has become broader and more global to help those beyond the boundaries of our practice and those who are predisposed genetically to this disease.

We started our mission to eradicate this disease on a global level. A team of expert physicians, the men with prostate cancer, and their families have chosen to stand together to not only fight this disease, but to improve the overall health of men worldwide. 

Having completed over 18,000 surgeries and advising thousands of others positions us as experts in the field. We pride ourselves on emphasizing the importance of screening for early diagnosis, improved treatment modalities and educating doctors and patients. These experiences have allowed us to appreciate the magnitude of prostate cancer.


Education Center

About prostate cancer

According to the National Cancer Institute, prostate cancer is the second most common type of cancer among men in the United States.  In fact, one in six men are diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime.  MORE . . .

have you been diagnosed?

Typically prostate cancer is diagnosed after closely examining biopsy cells through a microscope. There are several types of cells in the prostate, and each contributes in its own way to the prostate's development, architecture, and function.   MORE . . .

Resources for patients and caregivers

Our Resource Center provides comprehensive prostate cancer education, shopping lists for prostate-healthy foods and nutritional eating, support groups, wellness practices, and checklists. MORE . . .

symptoms of the disease

Typically, there are no symptoms in the early stages of prostate cancer, but any urinary problems should be evaluated by a physician. Call your doctor if you experience: Frequent urination, especially at night.   MORE . . .

Treatment options

There is no "one size fits all" treatment for prostate cancer. You should learn as much as possible about the many treatment options available and, in conjunction with your physicians, make a decision about what's best for you. Because men diagnosed with localized prostate cancer  MORE . . .

Black Men at a Higher Risk

According to the American Cancer Society, Black men are 70% – 110% more likely to develop prostate cancer in their lifetime and twice as likely to die from the disease vs. men of other backgrounds. MORE . . .

reoccurence of the disease

When prostate cancer is caught in its earliest stages, initial therapy can lead to high chances for cure, with most men living cancer-free for five years. But prostate cancer can be slow to grow.  MORE . . .

PSA Progression

We typically refer to Advanced Disease as the state of prostate cancer that has grown beyond the prostate and is unlikely to be cured with surgery or radiation alone. After a man experiences PSA progression after surgery or radiation, hormonal therapy is often given at some point,  MORE . . .

free downloadable Content

Additionally, IPCF offers free downloadable books for managing prostate cancer at any stage and for supporting a loved one. As well as infographics for guidance while on the journey MORE . . .